Friday, September 12, 2008

North Shore

I'm going to take a guess when I say that the North Shore is probably the most popular neighborhood in this city. Why? North Shore is home to the Pittsburgh Steelers. Oh yeah, the other sports team in the city, the Pittsburgh Pirates *cough*haha*cough*. Lately, I've been spending some quality time at Heinz Field since I'm the proud season ticket holder for the University of Pittsburgh football team. GO PITT! Yeah, I have to say, I am very happy with my decision to buy season tickets to watch my school play this season.

Pittsburgh lovessssssssss its football team. If you're not a Steeler fan, then you might as well be an alien from Mars. It reminds me of the J.D. quote from Heathers: "This is Ohio. If you don't have a brewski in your hand, you might as well be wearing a dress." Steeltown kind of has the same mentality. Haha. This town idolizes the starts of the Steelers. I've witnessed this town tear down its players when the team starts losing. Anybody remember Kordell Stewart? Anyone? Anyone?

Sports aside, I like the North Shore for its scenic beauty. It feels downright calming to walk down by the river, and when the weather's nice, taking a look across the river to downtown Pittsburgh is quite a sight! If you're visiting from out of town, then I highly recommend exploring the North Shore.


Brookline is a friendly neighborhood in the South Hills of Pittsburgh. If you look at a map of Pittsburgh neighborhoods, you'll see that this one is the second-largest neighborhood in the city. I spent a lot of time in Brookline while dating my ex, a resident there. Despite its friendly atmosphere, I quickly realized while trekking around the neighborhood, camera in tow, that there wasn't much to shoot there. I'm not saying that to put it down or anything, don't get me wrong.

One thing I enjoy about this neighborhood is its abundance of pizza parlors and bars. Hot damn! If there's two things I love, it's pizza and beer. Haha. I've been to the bar Zippy's a handful of times. One night while we were there, I was so amused by the cast of characters at this place, I was probably a GUFFAW away from pissing someone off and getting my ass kicked.

The best thing about this city, in my humble opinion, is that it really feels like a neighborhood. While driving down the streets, I've noticed that families talk to one another. They wave hello and chat by each other's fences. It's nice.... It's homey.

Here's a good Web site that gives a little more in-depth to Brookline: